Affiliate program
Get 3% for each purchase of your referrals and an additional 2.25% of the total purchase volume on the platform through the reward pool system. Once you get into the pools, you will receive a daily bonus from all purchases on the platform for life!
Referral program
3% of each purchase of your referral
Become a part of our affiliate network and start earning today. Share your referral link from your personal account and get 3% of the amount of each purchase of your referrals. Recommend Crypgex to your friends and acquaintances, and earn together!
StartPools levels
+2.25% on all purchases on CRYPGEX
Reward pools distribute 2.25% of the total purchase volume on the platform. You fall into three reward pools (0.5%, 0.75%, 1%) depending on the volume of your referral network. All levels are summed up, and payments are accrued daily, providing a stable passive income.
+0.5% of the total amount of the project on Level
- +3% from the referral program
+0.75% of the total amount of the project on Level
+0.5% of the total amount of the project on Level
- +3% from the referral program
+1% of the total amount of the project on Level
+0.75% of the total amount of the project on Level
+0.5% of the total amount of the project on Level
- +3% from the referral program